add hot drinking water supply (devices) in SUSU building?

Anonymous submitted on

Friday 22nd February 2019


I wonder if SUSU can have some hot drinking water supply (devices) in SUSU building? (only 1 in library sometimes with long queue...)


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 22nd Mar 2019 2:50pm

Hello again! 

I have some good news - the water cooler in Bar 3 (SUSU B42, Level 3) was replaced yesterday with one that dispenses both hot and cold water. This is going through the final stages of installation right now and should be ready to go from this afternoon onwards. 

I hope that helps, and in light of this I'm going to be closing this You Make Change submission. Thanks for reaching out to us! 

Best wishes,

Sam Dedman (SUSU VP Education 2017-19,

Students' Union replied on

Monday 18th Mar 2019 3:46pm

Hello again! 

Now that your submission has been open for a month I wanted to come back with a quick update. I'm also going to upload this same response to the other You Make Change submission with the same topic, just to make sure that everyone has access to the same level of information. 

I have spoken to our SUSU Facilities team and they have asked a representative from our water cooler supplier to visit, with the view to possibly replacing one of our current Room/Cold coolers with a Hot/Cold cooler. I am awaiting an update on how the meeting went, and as soon as I know more I'll be sure to let you know. In the meantime don't forget that hot water is available from all SUSU and University of Southampton outlets free of charge if you bring your own cup! 

I hope to be back with good news soon. Until then, don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any further questions. 

Best wishes,

Samuel Dedman (SUSU VP Education 2017-19,

Students' Union replied on

Friday 1st Mar 2019 1:55pm


Thanks for getting in touch. I've actually been working on a very similar You Make Change submission recently (, so will keep both of them up-to-date going forward. I'm going to have a chat with our Facilties team to see what is possible from a logistical perspective and in terms of internal fixtures. However I would like to take this opportunity to say that you can get hot water free of charge from all SUSU and University of Southampton outlets provided you bring your own cup. Should we not be able to get any additional hot water outlets I hope that helps tide you over in the meantime. 

Don't forget that your You Make Change submission is now live on the SUSU website for commenting and sharing. Please do share it around! 

Best wishes, 

Samuel Dedman

SUSU VP Education 2017-19, 


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    Friday 1st Mar 2019 1:04pm


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