Why does the Stag's not show the rugby?

Anonymous submitted on

Friday 8th March 2019


The bridge is more expensive and has a terrible atmosphere.

Why not have a democrtatic vote on what sports are shown in the stags?


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Steve Gore submitted on

Tuesday 28th May 2019


Hi Anonymous,

Thank you for your submission. I have forwarded this on to our bars manager who has responded with this:

Unfortunately the reason behind this is down to the practical challenge of showing as much variety of sport as possible. Because the Stag’s is the only bar at SUSU which has Sky Sports it is therefore the only bar that can show Premier League football. During the 6 Nations the games often clash with Premier League football, and to allow us to show both and therefore appease all audiences we are left with the option of showing the rugby in the Bridge. Whilst some 6 Nations Games do not clash with the Premier League, it would mean showing one game in The Stag’s, and then kicking everyone who wanted to watch the 2nd game across to The Bridge, to allow for the Premier League to be shown. The decision was made a few years ago when the games started clashing, to show the whole 6 Nations exclusively in The Bridge, so there was no confusion. We have drinks deals that operate during the 6 Nations, which make the beer and cider prices cheaper in The Bridge, than in The Stags. The Bridge can also allow a lot more people to sit down and watch the games than in The Stags.

If you would like to discuss this further please feel free to get in touch with Oli at o.j.coles@soton.ac.uk.

Best wishes,

Steve Gore, Acting President.