Promote a gradual transition from separate hot and cold taps to a single taps in university facilities

Anonymous submitted on

Friday 22nd March 2019


Single taps should be promoted as a solution in new university buildings as well as in case of any renovations. Even in many new university buildings, there are still separate taps. Washing hands in either hot or cold water is damaging to skin and pretty annoying.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 20th Jun 2019 12:20pm

Hello again!

I am incredibly pleased to confirm that Estates & Facilities have just replied to me and have offered the following response:

Firstly, apologies for the slow response – I am afraid I have been on annual leave for the last two weeks so have only just picked this up.

Secondly, thank you for your suggestion and I do quite agree that single mixer type taps are best for the reasons you say, although I would caution that iit is still important to be careful to set them to avoid scalding (we only install thermostatically controlled taps that limit temperature where vulnerable people are likely to use them).

This is why we always specify mixer taps in new toilets or where we carry out substantial refurbishment work that includes the replacement of wash basins.  I do appreciate that this leaves a number of locations where individual hot and cold taps remain and in an ideal world I am sure we would replace them straight away but as with any organisation like ours we do have to make a judgement call on where best to spend the money in order to give the best possible student experience and at the present time there are other areas where we think it would probably be better spent.

I will, however, make sure that the team are aware of your suggestion and take it into consideration on all future Projects.

Best Regards

Mark Turner

Head of Engineering Design

I hope that provides you with some degree of reassurance that this will continue to be looked into. Thanks again for your submission to You Make Change, and all the best in the future! 

Best wishes,

Sam Dedman (SUSU VP Education 2017-19,

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 20th Jun 2019 9:48am

Hello there! 

Thank you for your submission to You Make Change, and apologies that it has taken this long to reply to. I'm pleased to confirm that I have spoken to Estates & Facilities in the past week and they have said that while there is likely to be any immediate changes to the taps around campus they will keep your suggestion in mind going forward. 

On that basis I'm going to mark this You Make Change submission as complete. Thanks again for getting in touch! 

Best wishes,

Samuel Dedman (SUSU VP Education 2017-19, 


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    Friday 29th Mar 2019 1:12pm


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