Petition to include laundry costs as part of rent

Anonymous submitted on

Tuesday 23rd April 2019


Circuit laundry is too expensive; combined with rent fees, many of us can't afford to do more than one wash a month. Realistically, it should be included in the halls rent fees, rather than forcing students to pay extra for the basic necessity of clean clothes. If nothing else, reduce the prices to make them more manageable on a realistic student budget. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 31st May 2019 4:39pm

Hi there,

Thank you for your You Make Change submission.

I completely understand your frustration with the laundry prices. This is something which our previous VP Engagement Fleur was looking into and I have continued doing since she left. I met with Circuit Laundry to raise concerns on behalf of students. Unfortunately we are already the cheapest in the south and are competitively priced with neighbouring institutions:

  •    Our prices are: £2.60 per wash and £1.10 per dry
  •    Solent- £2.50 per wash and £1.20 per dry
  •    Portsmouth- £3 per wash and £1.70 per dry

The way the pricing works at the moment, a percentage of it goes to Circuit Laundry (The external company who runt he facilities) and a percentage to the University. The money from the University end is then re-invested in maintaining and upgrading halls and social spaces.

I have explored the idea of getting a certain amount of free washes for students at the beginning of the year but the finances of this for the University are not feasible due to the number of students. Students currently get a free year-round bus pass with their halls rent so it would likely be a case of removing this if they were to introduce a number of free washes instead.

However, I absolutely will raise your query with the University residences team and see if there is anything else that can be done.

I am more than happy to chat about this further. Please do not hesitate to drop me an email to or come down to the Sabbatical Office (Level 2 of Building 42).

Kind regards,

Emily Harrison,

Vice President Student Communities, 2018-19.


  • Forwarded to Student Communities

    Friday 3rd May 2019 1:07pm


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