make water fountains more readily available around campus.

Anonymous submitted on

Monday 29th April 2019


I think it would be good to have more water fountains available on highfield campus. It is really good that the library has lots, and there are also some in the SUSU building. I think it could be even better if every building had at least one water fountain to refill water bottles from. This would save time and may also encourage people to be more environmentally friendly, refilling the same bottle. It would be great if SUSU could implement this by getting more water fountains or asking the appropriate university team if they could do this. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 11th Jun 2019 9:45am

Hello again!

Thanks again for getting in touch. Estates & Facilities have replied to me to confirm that all new and current water outlets are going to be added to the "Student Amenities" layer on the website. They can't confirm anything specific at the moment, but I'd encourage you to keep an eye on that as we slowly bring the data up-to-date. It is also worth mentioning that this map layer also highlights a few other key student amenities such as microwaves and Gender Neutral Toilets.

I'm going to mark this You Make Change as complete, but if you have any further questions or would like to discuss this further please do get in touch with me on the details below. 

Thanks for making the submission and all the best,

Sam Dedman (SUSU VP Education 2017-19,

Students' Union replied on

Friday 3rd May 2019 4:57pm


Thanks for getting in touch. I'm pleased to say that this is something which is already happening, and they're also being mapped onto at the same time. However I appreciate that there are certain places where a cooler might be helpful, so please let us know in the comments below!

For now I'm going to get in touch with Estates & Facilities to see what their thoughts are. I'll get back to you once I know more. Don't forget that your submission is now available for voting on the SUSU website, so be sure to share it around. 

Best wishes,

Sam Dedman (SUSU VP Education 2017-19,


  • Forwarded to Education

    Friday 3rd May 2019 1:12pm


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