Have a taxi or all night bus service when the library is 24 hour

Charlotte Bygrave submitted on

Friday 3rd May 2019


I live in Mayflower Halls and the first buses don’t run until 6:30 in the morning. Next year we’ll be living a lot closer to campus in Portswood, but this is still too far to walk by myself at night, and Uber can be really expensive! It would be good if there was an all night way of getting students home safely if it went via all the main student areas like Portswood and Bevois Valley to Central Station. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 6th Jun 2019 4:25pm

Hi Charlotte, 

Thank you for your submission. During the exam and revision period we extended the Safety Bus operating hours to 2/3am. This worked well and we are repeating this during the summer exam period currently. Unfortunately, we do not have the resource to provide a 24hour Safety Bus. However, there is study space avaliable at Mayflower Halls, please contact the Student Life team (023 8059 8180) for more information. You can also use our recommended taxi service, Radio Taxis to ensure you get home safe.

Best wishes, 


Isabella Camilleri

VP Welfare 



  • Forwarded to Student Life

    Friday 3rd May 2019 1:12pm


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Alexander Petrov commented on

Friday 3rd May 2019 1:44pm

The Safety Bus.

It is quite expensive to run at times when few students use it, but I do support testing it out during the "cramming" period to which you refer as the "24h library".

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