Where do Union outlets get their food from?
Corin Holloway submitted on
Friday 10th May 2019
Do you have some way of checking whether the food is sustainable, local?
Does the union have a sustainibility policy?
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Isabella Camilleri submitted on
Wednesday 5th June 2019
Hi Corin,
Thank you for your submission. We do not currently have the process in place to create policy, however our Vice-President Creative Industries and Democracy (you can email her here: vpdci@susu.org) is working on making a process.
Regarding the market food uni Fruit get all their supplies from a major Wholesaler just by Heathrow, which is just down the road from where they are based in Guildford. This time of year all the seasonal fruit and almost all the veg is of British origin. Of course, they do have to cater for foreign buyers, so the Bak Choi and fancy mushroom still have to come from China, at the moment the Peppers are from Holland and the Grapes from Southern Europe etc. However, as a matter of policy they always prefer to buy British, simply because it’s cheaper and better for them.
For all other outlets please contact L.M.Phillips@soton.ac.uk.
Best wishes,
Isabella Camilleri
VP Welfare