Caitlin Doyle submitted on

Monday 2nd November 2015


At present the Bike Doctor visits the NOC once a month which often causes problems for myself (and therefore others on my course) in that I often have lectures or practicals during the drop in time, so am unable to get my bike checked out. I am unsure if the Bike Doctor is a service organised by the university or the union, but either way it is definitely an issue I would like to raise. Also given the relative number of students who cycle to the NOC in comparison to those who cycle to Highfield (from my observation its a much greater proportion) it seems like an additional session would be greatly beneficial to a great proportion of the NOC student body. Is there any scope for an additional service?


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Ed Baird submitted on

Monday 23rd November 2015


Hi, the Bike Doctor is arranged by the team at the NOC and the schedule is already set. If you would like to discuss this further please contact the Energy and Environment Manager – I can give you their email address! The Bike Doctor also visits the Civic Centre on Thursdays, you can find out more here