When will the PG Summer Ball be announced?

Aneesha Sethi submitted on

Thursday 16th May 2019


When will the PG Summer Ball be announced (like the ones that have been happening for the last 2 years)?


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Emily Harrison submitted on

Friday 31st May 2019


Hi Aneesha,

Thank you for your You Make Change Submission.

There will not be a PG Summer Ball this year. This year, we have decided to use the Postgraduate budget to fund more consistent activities throughout the year. This includes the new PG Breakfast Club that happens once a month and plants and cakes on a localised level for departments, as well as continuing the BBQs and Power Teas.

This year, we also decided not to have a Christmas Ball in the same way as previous years and have a more low-key Christmas event in the Bridge with live music, food and drink. We put significant money into this to make it a free event for Postgraduates, with free mince pies and drinks. We found this to be far more successful than the set up of the Balls which has shown us that the demand for type of events has changed.

Therefore, we have decided not to have a Summer Ball. We will, however, be putting on another PG Fun Day in late July/ August which will also be a free event with a free BBQ and games and activities. We will announce the exact date of this closer to the time.

I am more than happy to discuss this further if you have any questions so please do not hesitate to drop me an email to vpcommunities@susu.org

Kind regards,

Emily Harrison,

Vice President Student Communities, 2018-19.