offer more gluten free lunch options and convenience items in SUSU shop.

Charlotte Lee submitted on

Friday 17th May 2019


There are inadequate provisions for coeliacs in SUSU Shop. I am hoping that I can directly address this issue and would be happy to meet with whomever has the authority to make the necessary changes to explain why this should be a priority.

Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disease affecting 1 in 4 of the population. Of 25,180 students (2016/17 figures) so roughly 6295 students at the University living with coeliac disease, and yet more with a non-coeliac gluten intollerance. I therefore find it inadequate that such a leading university fails to adequately cater for these students.



Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 5th Jun 2019 3:48pm

Hi Charlotte, 

Thank you for your submission. We aim to be as inclusive and diverse in our food offer as possible, I'm sorry you do not feel this. To talk to our Shop Manager, please email 

Best wishes, 

Isabella Camilleri

VP Welfare



  • Forwarded to Student Life

    Friday 17th May 2019 1:32pm


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