Create a hub in the library for people who want to make new friends

Anonymous submitted on

Wednesday 3rd July 2019


Assign a small section of the library to students who want to revise but make new friends outside their course.. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 2nd Aug 2019 10:54am


Yesterday I had a meeting with Jane, who is in charge of our libraries and academic spaces around it. We discussed the possibility of this and she was really open to it, so this can go ahead!

If you could email me at, we can discuss the logistics of how you invision it could happen and start getting things put in place! 


Laura Barr

VP Welfare and Communities 


Students' Union replied on

Friday 12th Jul 2019 1:44pm

Hi there! 

Thanks so much for your submission. I'm currently in the 3rd week of my new role so i will add this to my to-do list, and explore some options concerning this! I think this is a really good idea especially to combat social isolation and loneliness. 

Once I have explored some options and got some answers, I will do my best to get back to you!

If you would like to talk further please feel free to email me at 


Laura Barr
VP Welfare and Community 


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 12th Jul 2019 1:10pm


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