Have Amazon pickup lockers or so thing similar available
Anonymous submitted on
Tuesday 16th July 2019
have amazon pick up lockers or somthing similar where packages can be delivered and picked up available so students who are busy on campus and can't be home to accept deliveries can easily arrange for them to be delivered to campus for them to collect when convenient.
Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.
Students' Union replied on
Friday 13th Sep 2019 12:02pm
Hi there,
Thank you for your You Make Change. Whilst we understand your concern, to implement this, he university to agree to it. However, they are not willing to do as the agreement with amazon was very 1-sided and there is no actual space on campus for these due to the need for power or data and lots of infrastructure. They were also concerned about the lockers bringing loads of non-students on to campus.
Kind regards on behalf of Emily Harriosn (President 2019-20, president@soton.ac.uk),
Jo Lisney (VP Education & Democracy 2019-20, vpeddem@soton.ac.uk)
Forwarded to Union President
Friday 2nd Aug 2019 9:10am
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