Lobby for air-conditioning around campus

Anonymous submitted on

Friday 26th July 2019


...specifically in graduation ceremonies which happen in the middle of summer...


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 27th Feb 2020 12:20pm

Hi there,

I come back to you with an update.

Following the graduations taking place in 2019, a project was initiated to understand whether it would be feasible to install air conditioning in the Nuffield and Turner-Sims venues. The project revealed that there the work would not only have a large cost but would also have a very significant environmental impact. We are instead looking at holding graduation ceremonies in other venues where this provision already exists.

Kind regards,

Emily Harrison,

SUSU President, 2019-20

Students' Union replied on

Friday 25th Oct 2019 3:07pm

Hi there,

Thank you for your You Make Change submission. 

Apologies for the delay, I'm working through a backlog of submission inheritated from the previous Sabbatical team.

I have raised this and other You Make Changes on a similar topic with University Estates and Facilities and come back to you with an update as soon as possible!

Just to make you aware, you can report any facilities related issues to the University E&F team directly (Link here: https://planon.soton.ac.uk/selfservice/) This is probably easier as you will get a more immediate response and helps to keep a track of reoccuring issues so they can allocate resources and identify problems better.

Kind regards,

Emily Harrison,

Union President, 2019/20


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 2nd Aug 2019 9:12am


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