Moderate their adds

Anonymous submitted on

Monday 16th September 2019


On the screens in the union building, an advert for a loan company to ‘top up student loans’ is being shown. I feel like this isnt something that the university should allow to be shown on campus as it implies that we endorse this company and is more likely to make students feel they can trust it. Its targeted at low income students and has a very high interest rate and i have already had to talk a few people down from going for it. Its going to lead to a low of young, financially naive students getting into a lot of debt that will have a far bigger impact on the than the student finance maintenance loan. I believe it should be taken down and am very unhappy that it was allowed to show in the first place.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 13th Dec 2019 1:29pm


Just to update this- we have an informal agreement in place where we can ask Redbus to take down adverts we deem inappropriate, and this has been working so far. I'll keep an eye out (theres one directly opposite my office) for them and ensure we are being clear on what we stand for.


Laura Barr 

VP Welfare and Community 


Students' Union replied on

Friday 20th Sep 2019 1:30pm


Thanks for your submission. I fully agree with you that this is an inappropriate advert to be shown anywhere, especially with the rising associoations financial hardship has to student mental health. The redbus adverts are not owned by SUSU. They pay to advertise within our building. We had a previous issue with them before, and I am going to be picking this up again from my predecessor to essentially suggest that if they want to keep advertising through us, the adverts need to be approved by SUSU. I will keep you updated on the progress of this! 

Thanks again for your submission, 

Laura Barr

VP Welfare and Communities 2019/20


Students' Union replied on

Friday 20th Sep 2019 1:29pm


Thanks for your submission. I fully agree with you that this is an inappropriate advert to be shown anywhere, especially with the rising associoations financial hardship has to student mental health. The redbus adverts are not owned by SUSU. They pay to advertise within our building. We had a previous issue with them before, and I am going to be picking this up again from my predecessor to essentially suggest that if they want to keep advertising through us, the adverts need to be approved by SUSU. I will keep you updated on the progress of this! 

Thanks again for your submission, 

Laura Barr

VP Welfare and Communities 2019/20


Students' Union replied on

Friday 20th Sep 2019 1:29pm


Thanks for your submission. I fully agree with you that this is an inappropriate advert to be shown anywhere, especially with the rising associoations financial hardship has to student mental health. The redbus adverts are not owned by SUSU. They pay to advertise within our building. We had a previous issue with them before, and I am going to be picking this up again from my predecessor to essentially suggest that if they want to keep advertising through us, the adverts need to be approved by SUSU. I will keep you updated on the progress of this! 

Thanks again for your submission, 

Laura Barr

VP Welfare and Communities 2019/20


Students' Union replied on

Friday 20th Sep 2019 1:29pm


Thanks for your submission. I fully agree with you that this is an inappropriate advert to be shown anywhere, especially with the rising associoations financial hardship has to student mental health. The redbus adverts are not owned by SUSU. They pay to advertise within our building. We had a previous issue with them before, and I am going to be picking this up again from my predecessor to essentially suggest that if they want to keep advertising through us, the adverts need to be approved by SUSU. I will keep you updated on the progress of this! 

Thanks again for your submission, 

Laura Barr

VP Welfare and Communities 2019/20


Students' Union replied on

Friday 20th Sep 2019 1:28pm


Thanks for your submission. I fully agree with you that this is an appropriate advert to be shown anywhere, especially with the rising associoations financial hardship has to student mental health. The redbus adverts are not owned by SUSU. They pay to advertise within our building. We had a previous issue with them before, and I am going to be picking this up again from my predecessor to essentially suggest that if they want to keep advertising through us, the adverts need to be approved by SUSU. I will keep you updated on the progress of this! 

Thanks again for your submission, 

Laura Barr

VP Welfare and Communities 2019/20



  • Forwarded to Vice President Welfare and Community

    Friday 20th Sep 2019 1:15pm


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