consult students before making major changes to Stags

Anonymous submitted on

Tuesday 17th September 2019


The stags was in dire need of more seating, yet has had seating removed in favour of another pool table and a second hand boxing machine. I can’t see why, with the restricted space and capacity for Karaoke, that SUSU would remove seating yet requests have been put in for more sofas etc for a while. None of these changes to Stags, such as the boxing machine, second pool table, removal of the dart board and replacing the quiz machine with a fruit machine, were ever put past students. I would like SUSU to consider asking it’s students, that it clearly is meant to represent, what they would like to have put into Stags as it is their venue, rather than wrongly assume and waste union time and money.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 29th Oct 2020 10:50am

Thank you for your submission. 

We have consulted with the Team running Stags and this was their response: 

"We removed the boxing machine due to misuse but it had actually been used a lot, [even] more money than the pool tables had in the previous year so was popular.
The Stags did need more seating at peak times but was underutilised out of those peak times. The additional pool table brought in more customers during the day and we did not remove any seating, just moved it to other areas meaning that the capacity was not affected. Equally the dart board was not removed.
This year, due to the COVID pandemic and the associated regulations we are removing both pool tables (1 has already gone) and replacing with more seating capacity.


We do ask students for feedback and input on our social media posts and through surveys. Our role is to provide a good experience for an ever increasing number of customers and to try to drive extra custom in off peak hours."


Kind Regards,


VP Education and Democracy 


  • Forwarded to Vice President Education and Democracy

    Friday 16th Oct 2020 10:12am

  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 20th Sep 2019 1:16pm


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