Too hot and stuffy in library

Anonymous submitted on

Monday 30th September 2019


It is too hot and stuffy in the library. Study spaces should be well ventialted as it improves the cognitive abilities and prevents sleepiness and headaches. I don't know if there are any temperature norms but if students need to wear almost beach outfits throughout the whole year then it is definitely too hot.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 4th Oct 2019 3:12pm

Hi there,


I have got an answer for you from estates and facilites/ the library. They will have staff doing a walkaround one afternoon to check out the temperature hot spots and see what we can do i.e. put the temperature down/up, get windows open etc. This also means staff are around for students to complain about the temperature too and get it sorted.


Kind regards,

Jo Lisney, VP Education&Democracy 2019-20 (


Students' Union replied on

Friday 4th Oct 2019 1:26pm

Hi there,


Thank you for the You Make Change. I have contacted facilities to flag it down to them and we are now waiting for their response. I will let you know as soon as I have a response.


Kind regards,

Jo Lisney, VP Education&Democracy 2019-20 (



  • Forwarded to Vice President Education and Democracy

    Friday 4th Oct 2019 1:14pm


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