Have lockers for people to hire out for a semester or year

Emily Campbell-King submitted on

Sunday 13th October 2019


Like many others, I work best in the library and visit regularly, often for many hours at a time. It would be very convenient to have a personal locker on campus to put things I only need for studying, such as books, or personal items, in for the term. This would be especially handy when I have to leave the library for lectures during the day. It's a hassle taking a big bag to and from campus, and around campus, every day with all my essentials in. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 29th Oct 2020 10:43am

Thank you for your submission! 

The library have provided us with this update: 

"We had put forward a funding bid for lockers for the library but unfortunately additional funding requests have been paused. This is definitely something we would still like to do and we had explored different types of lockers to see which we thought might be work best. [The Library] will definitely keep this as a priority."

Unfortunately, the current climate has delayed the lockers being implemented but the library remains keen to get them once they are able to! 


Kind Regards,


VP Education and Democracy 

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 29th Oct 2020 10:43am

Thank you for your submission! 

The library have provided us with this update: 

"We had put forward a funding bid for lockers for the library but unfortunately additional funding requests have been paused. This is definitely something we would still like to do and we had explored different types of lockers to see which we thought might be work best. [The Library] will definitely keep this as a priority."

Unfortunately, the current climate has delayed the lockers being implemented but the library remains keen to get them once they are able to! 


Kind Regards,


VP Education and Democracy 

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 27th Feb 2020 12:09pm

Hi there,

I come back to you with a bit of an update!

The library team have agreed to get some lockers in on different floors of the library! They are currently researching into different brands and costings but I will come back to you with an update when we know the exact time they will be put in.

Kind regards,

Emily Harrison,

SUSU President, 2019-20

Students' Union replied on

Friday 25th Oct 2019 3:11pm

Hi Emily,

Thank you for your You Make Change submission. 

I have raised this with University Estates and Facilities and will come back to you with an update as soon as possible!

Just to make you aware, you can report any facilities related issues to the University E&F team directly (Link here: https://planon.soton.ac.uk/selfservice/) This is probably easier as you will get a more immediate response and helps to keep a track of reoccuring issues so they can allocate resources and identify problems better.

Kind regards,

Emily Harrison,

Union President, 2019/20


  • Forwarded to Vice President Education and Democracy

    Friday 16th Oct 2020 10:21am

  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 25th Oct 2019 1:15pm


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