Put free weights in the glen eyre gym

Anonymous submitted on

Saturday 19th October 2019


Look into putting free weights into the glen eyre gym 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 4th Dec 2019 4:13pm


Thanks for the YMC.

I have raised this to Sport and Wellbeing and the reason they do not have free weights in the Glen gym currently is that they cannot affording the staff to man the weights as is required. 

If you have any further questions around this area feel free to drop me an email at vpsports@susu.org or email Sport and Wellbeing directly.

SUSU and the university are doing a large review of facilities in Southampton at the moment - so if you would like to feed into that you can here http://bit.ly/2KXmb8r (Code 990399). 

Hope that helps.



  • Forwarded to Vice President Sports

    Friday 25th Oct 2019 1:19pm


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