Look into the Centenary Building having extended opening hours during the exam period

Anonymous submitted on

Tuesday 22nd October 2019


At this point in time, the newly opened Centenary Building is open from 8am to 8pm on weekdays (except for specific floors which are open until 6pm) and is closed on weekends.

When the exam period begins, study space in Hartley Library becomes a commodity. As such, keeping the Centenary Building open for longer hours and opening it on weekends could provide the necessary extra space. A comparable scheme is how Hartley Library's opening hours changes based upon the expected demand at the time of year.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 13th Nov 2019 11:54am

Hi there, 

This question is similar to one I've answered (copied below) -

"I completley understand your frustration and this definitley something being worked on.

The primary building completition only finished a day and a half before the teaching in there began, because of this short turn around and the need to use the space for teaching the initial plan with this building was for this first term to have more restircted opening hours (week days 8-8) so that additional work could be done during these times. This has allowed the building to open sooner than if everything had to be completed before opening and it means that any arrising issues (such as the automatic door speed being a problem for wheelchair users) can be dealt with fairly quickly with no disruption to users. 

The primary use of the new building isn't just an extension to the library and we hope in the future as well as being used for private study out of hours it can also be used for group work and society meetings.

I am currently sitting on the Out of Hours committee and the current plan will be to hopefully expand hours next term. I will keep this YMC open so that I can update as it progresses."


Hopefully as this explains the 8-8 opening hours are just a temporary for this term, opening later next term is definitley planned and should start next term.


Hope this helps, please get in touch if you still have concerns.


Fiona Sunderland VP Activities 2019-20



  • Forwarded to Vice President Activities

    Friday 25th Oct 2019 1:22pm

  • Forwarded to Vice President Activities

    Friday 25th Oct 2019 1:22pm


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Cori Haws commented on

Friday 1st Nov 2019 2:05pm

I suggested this last year (in the context of all university buildings with CLS space) to try and open up the access to 8pm and the response has been along the lines of:

Costs - Lighting and Heating buildings which normally have most of their lights on all night anyay will cost hundreds of thousands per building per year in electricity etc..

Health and Safety - That there are no first aiders in the building late at night - despite the fact that this is not an issue as many buildings have people inside outside of "core" hours. It's worth noting that all security should be first aid trained....

Security - That buildings are locked to prevent random people walking through buildings - except that all buildings have ID card based access so it is completely possible to control access to students thus removing the security problem...

I don't buy it...

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