reduce cost of zero waste pantry items

Anonymous submitted on

Sunday 27th October 2019


The Plant Pot zero waste living sections are a great addition and seem very progressive in theory. However, in practise the cost of shopping there is too expensie which deters students from using it. 100g of pasta for 0.60p sounds good, but that's a kilo for £6 when you can get the same amount in Sainsbury's for less than a pound. I understand that organic, planet-friendly zero waste produce comes at a premium cost but this should have been considered during the planning process for the purpose of the Plant Pot and it's target customers. By these prices, students cannot afford to live sustainably and that constant reminder adds to the eco-anxiety and panic everyone is already experiencing due to the climate emergency. The union should be doing more to advocate for the kind of system change required to tackle these issues, but in the meantime support students in making more sustainable individual choices to minimise their impact.. bringing costs down or introducing some kind of initiative may help. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 18th Dec 2019 11:10am

Hi there,

Thank you for your You Make Change submission.

You’ll be happy to know we have now changed our prices! We are still more expensive than places like Sainsburys because they are a bigger corporate organisation who buy things mass-produced whereas we deal with smaller local suppliers. However our prices are now significantly lower (Around half the price than before​) You can find the new price list in full on our website.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to get in touch with me via

Kind regards,

Emily Harrison,

SUSU President, 2019-20


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 1st Nov 2019 1:08pm


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