Sell more cans & cartons of water on campus instead of plastic bottles

Anonymous submitted on

Monday 4th November 2019


Sell more cans & screw-top cartons of water on campus & eliminate plastic water bottles. Not only is this much better for the environment & similar in price to that of plastic, however, it also allows students to keep water with them throughout the day in their bags if they so wish. By doing this, Southampton would be setting an example to other universities. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 17th Dec 2019 11:34am

Hi there,

Thank you for your You Make Change submission.

We actually already sell cans of water in The Plant Pot, on level 3 of Building 42!

As the comments have said, we are trying to promote reusable bottles and fountains and we have water fountains on level 2 and 3 in Building 42. You can find where water fountains are on campus via and filtering by Amenities. However, I don't think this is fully up to date as I know there are more than it is showing. I have flagged this to the University Estates and Facilities team and they are in the process of checking the data they have and looking to update it. However, I know we definitely have them in Building 42 and 40 and you can also find them in the Zeplar and Centenary buildings as well as Hartley library.

You can also get free tap water from any SUSU or University catering outlet.

Kind regards,

Emily Harrison,

SUSU President, 2019-20


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 8th Nov 2019 1:13pm


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Alexander Lockwood commented on

Saturday 9th Nov 2019 5:00pm

Agree with the previous two comments. Rather than shifting the problem of plastics in packaging, a greater focus on reusable bottles and water fountains around campus is probably a more sensible solution.

Deborah Winchester commented on

Saturday 9th Nov 2019 4:23pm

Ditto, drinks dispensers, for people to bring their own refillable bottles... we have water ones, why not coke, lemondade fruti juices etc?

Cori Haws commented on

Friday 8th Nov 2019 8:23pm

The union promotes it's own reusable flasks and there are fountain around campus. Many cartons are not widely recyclable either.

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