Expand non-halal offer in susu shop

Anonymous submitted on

Friday 8th November 2019


I understand the need for halal options to be available in susu shops. However, not all students are morally ok with halal food. The options for them are very limited. Introducing more non-halal options can of course also be accompanied by expanding the vegtarian/vegan offer.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 5th Jun 2020 1:21pm

Hi there! 

Thank you for your suggestion and apologies for the late response! 

We appreciate this concern, however we have an extensive offer of options in our SUSU shop, including vegan, vegetarian, non halal, halal and meat options. If you have specific suggestions about what food options you'd like to see in our food outlets, please email to D.Murtagh@soton.ac.uk! 

Thank you

VP Welfare and Community 


Students' Union replied on

Monday 2nd Dec 2019 3:16pm

Hi There,

Thank you for your submission. I will be doing some student consultation around this and see what the viable options are. 


Laura Barr

VP Welfare and Communities, 



  • Forwarded to Vice President Welfare and Community

    Friday 15th Nov 2019 1:08pm


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