Install a second Sky box in the Stags bar

Anonymous submitted on

Monday 18th November 2019


Very often, especially on Champions League nights, I have gone out with friends to Stags to watch my team play to find that only the other fixture that evening is on there. Because of this, we have been forced to go to other bars throughout Southampton to watch the match, wasting both our time and money travelling to and buying more expensive drinks in bars, as well as losing potential revenue for the Student Union.

Therefore I think it could be of great benefit for Stags to install a second Sky box to show the other match, when two are on, on half of the screens. Audio for both matches is not required as I understand this would potentially require a new audio system to be installed too. Just the picture enough is certainally enough to make people watch the game there rather than in other bars around the city.

Hoping for the best outcome in this situation,

A disgruntled supporter.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 6th Nov 2020 10:21am

I've spoken to our commercial teams about this. They have costed it to see if it would be feasible, however due to the amount this would cost they do not feel that this would break even. With the circumstances we find ourselves in at the minute due to the pandemic, where this wouldn't break even we're unfortunately unable to do this at this point as there is not the funds to do so despite it being a really good idea. 

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 4th Dec 2019 4:47pm


Thanks for submitting a You Make Change. I am currently exploring this for you and will get back as soon as I know more.




  • Forwarded to Vice President Sports

    Friday 22nd Nov 2019 1:14pm


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