Aim to elect a more representative sample of the student population

Anonymous submitted on

Saturday 23rd November 2019


I believe there would be more engagment with SUSU, if students felt that they were being representated by a more true reflection of the University population.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 17th Dec 2019 3:20pm

Hi there,

Thank you for your You Make Change. Our elections at SUSU are ran 3 times a year to ensure that we have a wide range of students running from different faculties across the university. At each level from course rep to sabbatical officers, we already have a diverse range of students who are involved – we have a huge cohort of students from different backgrounds, cultures, ethnicities and countries who want to represent you at all stages of your degree. We cannot stop anyone from running in an election either as the opportunity is for everyone and anyone and this year, we have had our first liberation officers who work with VP Welfare and Communities as well!

At SUSU, we believe that as members of the union should have a say in everything we do which is why any rep, president, senator, chair and officer are elected through a democratic election process. The students vote for who they wish to see represent them to the university.

We are currently reviewing our democratic systems to see if there is any way we can make it more accessible. For example, we took away people's faces on the website when people vote last year, and we are considering how we can make things more accessible during organised campaigning.

We are also asking the students to think about who they are voting for. Every representative is democratically elected by students, and there must be some onus on the students decisions as they are the ones voting.

To find out more about who represents you at SUSU, head to: or for academic interests.

However, if you would like to discuss it further on how we can work to make this better, do email me on or drop by the sabb office on your way into building 42.

On behalf of the 2019-20 sabbatical team,

Jo Lisney VP Education & Democracy 2019-20, (


  • Forwarded to Vice President Education and Democracy

    Friday 29th Nov 2019 1:10pm


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Cori Haws commented on

Friday 29th Nov 2019 4:44pm

A more representive sample would be elected if a more representive sample of people actually voted. With union vote turnaouts barely above 20%, there is no wonder why people feel that those elected are not representive. There needs to be more incentives to vote, not goodies for people who are already engaged.

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