Get rid of Circuit app

Anonymous submitted on

Monday 2nd December 2019


Circuit app is by far the worst part of life at halls, making doing laundry even more of a chore than it is. Many students across the country hate using the app(given the very poor app ratings) but are forced to use it.

 Moreover, the app sometimes doesnt work and it is also expensive(4 pounds for a wash and dry). The uni should come up with an alternative which gives hall residents a few free washes per month with the possibility of buying more credit.

 Also, maybe have more washing machines and dryers(Aubrey has only 2 of each) and sometimes people have to wait until one is available.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 23rd Oct 2020 10:26am

Thank you for your submission.

Unfortunately, the University's contract with Circuit was renewed last year, meaning that the machines will remain in use for the next 2-3 years. 

We will contact Halls of Residence on the availabilities of washing machines, and waiting times.


Kind Regards,


VP Education and Democracy 

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 27th Feb 2020 12:53pm

Hi there,

Thank you for your You Make Change submission.

I have passed this on to the Halls of Residence team and will come back to you as soon as I have their answer.

Kind regards,

Emily Harrison,

SUSU President, 2019-20


  • Forwarded to Vice President Education and Democracy

    Friday 16th Oct 2020 10:18am

  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 13th Dec 2019 1:12pm


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