Get the University to return society email to the old, password-based system

Corin Holloway submitted on

Monday 24th February 2020


The method for accessing sussed recently changed from going onto sussed/outlook with [society email] [password]
to logging in with the student account and opening another mailbox.
This is much more tedious and makes it difficult to add an email to an email app.
It also feels unnecessary since security of society emails doesn't matter as much as being able to access them easily.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 4th Mar 2020 12:22pm

Hi Corin,


I know I've messaged you individually about this, but just to close this off.


I've spoken to iSolutions and the change was implemented last April but it didn't affect accounts until they were renewed for the year.

The reasoning is basically for security - with the passwords, anyone given the information could access the email, if societies didn't update passwords ex-committee could still have access, we couldn't tell if 1 person or 50 people had access and it had a lot of privacy implications so they won't be able to revert the system - it's also to do with migrating the accounts to office 365 and the generic accounts needed to be access based.

I think any issues can be solved on a case by case issue, if you let me know what specific problems are we can rectify them - particularly if there are there issues regarding who has access and getting them on phones because that I can probably assist with.


Unfortunately as this is part of the migration of accounts to Office365 it can't be reversed. I'm sorry I couldn't be more help on this, but as I said I can definitely assist with any access problems and if it really isn't for your society you are not required to use an @soton email (we just recommend it as it means emails can't get lost, or accessed by old committee).



Fiona Sunderland, VP Activities 2019-20 (


  • Forwarded to Vice President Activities

    Friday 28th Feb 2020 1:16pm


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