Make the old bookshop into a animal shelter/cafe/chill zone

Anonymous submitted on

Saturday 29th February 2020


Turn it into a animal shelter

This will help students with anxiety and depression manage their symntoms better (as most students cant keep animals in their accommodation) 

And bring general student moral up.

Also rescue loads of animals.

It could be a cafe or pay for entry building to pay for the animals food and care (also have donation buckets) (would probably need bookable slots so it doesnt overcrowded).

Its also really close to a vets.

It also makes Southampton uni look more appealing to applying students as it is an extra thing to help people with mental health issues as well as a really cool animal place on campus to hang out.

I'm sure the upstairs storage room could help house the animals. 

It would be run by mostly volunteers so it keeps running costs low in that respect.

(Only having guide dogs occasionally come to campus is not enough :/)

It could be run/managed as a not for profit by a volunteer business student for CV experience.

I recon if it's not too expensive for the student it could be booked nearly constantly paying for the rent of the building and food of the animals with some to spare.

Sorry if there are grammatical errors 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 6th Mar 2020 1:15pm

Hi there! 

Thank you for your submission.

Unfortunately we won't be pursuing this. The building would be incredibly unsuitable for animals to be kept there, in terms of their welfare and ability to roam, socialise or have adequate and quality space. 

If you have any other ideas about how to relieve stress for students on campus, and if fellow Business students would like to enhance their CV through volunteering, please feel free to get in touch. 



VP Welfare and Community 


Students' Union replied on

Friday 6th Mar 2020 1:15pm

Hi there! 

Thank you for your submission.

Unfortunately we won't be pursuing this. The building would be incredibly unsuitable for animals to be kept there, in terms of their welfare and ability to roam, socialise or have adequate and quality space. 

If you have any other ideas about how to relieve stress for students on campus, and if fellow Business students would like to enhance their CV through volunteering, please feel free to get in touch. 



VP Welfare and Community 



  • Forwarded to Vice President Welfare and Community

    Friday 6th Mar 2020 1:11pm


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