Encourage societies to have some sort of feedback tool/members consultation each year

Anonymous submitted on

Tuesday 10th March 2020


Lots of SUSU societies have no opportunity for feedback to be given on how the society runs. If there were an online feedback tool, in the style of mid-semester module feedback, students who feel dissatisfied with how their clubs and societies operate could raise this with their committees anonymously without feeling like they're personally criticising committee members by raising it face to face. This could also be helpful for larger societies where lots of members don't know the committee very well and would feel like they were being inappropriate by raising these issues with them. An example could be if someone in a dance society felt like the teacher for the beginners class was teaching at too high a level, which was putting them off attending, they could say this without feeling like they had to make a personal criticism to a committee they don't know very well. They could also make constructive suggestions using this tool, but I imagine it would require some monitoring to prevent abuse. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 27th Aug 2021 9:09am


Students' Union replied on

Friday 20th Aug 2021 9:14am

Dear student,

Apologies for the lateness of this response, 

This is a great suggestion and, if agreeable to you, would like to meet with you to discuss your ideas of how this could be implemented? 

Best wishes,

Ella Foxhall (VP Activities)




  • Forwarded to Vice President Activities

    Friday 13th Mar 2020 1:07pm


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