Lobby the uni to allow all students who feel their degree classifications have been seriously affected by strikes and coronavirus a free uncapped internal repeat

Anonymous submitted on

Wednesday 18th March 2020


The amount of disruption students have suffered this year is not fair if it impacts our degree classifications. The union should lobby the uni to allow all students who feel their classifications are negatively affected by the disruption an uncapped internal repeat in order to wipe this year from their record and have another go, and ideally to do so for free. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 27th Mar 2020 1:53pm

Hi again,

I also want to reassure you that SUSU has been and is continuing to be in constant contact with the University about the ongoing Coronavirus situation and we are working in partnership on key issues such as exams and assessment, halls and accommodation, finances and many other queries students are raising.

Exams clarification

Exams and assessment is something we have been working on for a while as I am sure you can appreciate there are lot of intricacies and complex details to take into consideration and work around with all of the different degree programmes there are!

However, you should have had an email yesterday with full explanation and clarification of the new arrangements, which includes a no detriment policy. If not, you can find a copy of this on Emily's Facebook post announcement here:


This means a referral should not be needed. If in the unlikely event that students do, the university will reassess their current policy (although it will be lenient due to circumstances).

Kind regards,

Jo Lisney, VP Education&Democracy 2019-20, (vpeddem@soton.ac.uk)


Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 24th Mar 2020 9:17am

Hi again,

The university are actively looking at our Special Considerations policy and hope to get some guidance out imminently. They are also spending a lot of time looking at approaches to assessment at the end of Semester 2 and can absolutely assure you that providing accessible assessment which is fair to students and appropriate to the programme are the top priorities for all staff involved in this.

Kind regards,

Jo Lisney, VP Education&Democracy 2019-20, (vpeddem@soton.ac.uk)

Students' Union replied on

Monday 23rd Mar 2020 4:40pm

Hi there,

Thank you for your submission. I am in contact with the university to discuss this and will update you as soon as I have a reply.

Kind regards,

Jo Lisney, VP Education&Democracy 2019-29, (vpeddem@soton.ac.uk)


  • Forwarded to Vice President Education and Democracy

    Friday 20th Mar 2020 1:05pm


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