please support us all in working together with our Admissions Teams in extending the applications deadline for MA applications for the 2020/21 Academic Year!

Ulfat (Ramisa Ulfat) Islam submitted on

Monday 14th September 2020



I very much hope that this finds you well and that you are all keeping super well! :) 

I'm Ulfat, and I am the current and soon-to-be outgoing English Department President, and I really hope that it is okay for me to come to you with a request! Subjects such as MA English and MA Film Studies have moved on to a different cycle for the 2020/21 Academic Year, and our tutors across such disciplines are very keen to accept applications for postgraduate study in such courses as these up until January 2021, as many students may not know whether or not they would like to apply for a Masters programme until later on in the year, as they survey their options, and our tutors are of course really keen to give students and applicants the opportunity if they decide that they would like to begin in January! We would be so grateful if we could all please work together with our Admissions Teams in formally extending the application deadline for Masters programmes in such subjects as MA English and MA Film programmes to January 2021, as opposed to the current official deadline of September 2020? I really hope that this sounds okay and I very much look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you so so much!

My very best wishes and warmest regards,

Ulfat Islam 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 6th Oct 2020 10:49am

Dear Ulfat,

Thank you for raising this matter to us. I have spoken to the University and have been informed that PGT options will have a separate open period for students starting their programmes in January. 

The University will be in touch with students and will update their website once arrangements are made. 

Kind Regards,



  • Forwarded to Vice President Education and Democracy

    Friday 18th Sep 2020 10:51am


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