Help postgrad students fight student services

Cezara Burdujanu submitted on

Saturday 3rd October 2020


I'm currently enrolled for a master's starting in January. My payment instalments for the university are 1st of February, April and May 2021. I'm receiving the post grad loan from student finance and the dates are 1st of February, 19th of April and 24th of September. As you can see, the dates don't coincide and I would have to somehow put 7K in two months, 3.5K out of my own pocket which is impossible. I do not have the means to afford that and pay my rent, bills and taxes. I talked to student finance and they can't change the date; student service's fees team don't want to change it as their financial year ends in July ( that was their reply to my problem). I do not know what to do, I can't afford it and don't want to give up my course.

Please do help us as everyone enrolled in a January course receiving finance from student finance is in the same boat and student services seems to care more about receiving their money so they can have revenues this year instead of caring for the well-being of students.

I'm tired to continue this fight with them and have no results. I'm on the verge of a breakdown as I simply can't find that money, even by working my two jobs I can't.

Thank you!


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Monday 12th Oct 2020 11:00am

Thank you for your submission.

I am sorry to hear about the issues you are currently experiencing with Student Finance. I will raise this issue to the University and see if anything can be done about deadlines. 


Please contact the Advice Centre, they will be able to help you with this issue: // 023 8059 2085 


If you have anything you wish to discuss further, please do not hesitate to contact me directly: 


Kind Regards,


VP Education and Democracy 


  • Forwarded to Vice President Education and Democracy

    Tuesday 6th Oct 2020 12:05pm


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