discuss with eateries, restaurants and cafes present in and around the University campus to take part in the free school meals campaign

Debjyoti Sengupta submitted on

Wednesday 28th October 2020


Due to the pandemic, children who could be future applicants to our University in the near future, should be taken care by volunteers from the University. Thus, in light of the free school meals campaign run by Marcus Rashford MBE, I think the Student's Union and volunteers should hold discussions with eateries, restaurants and cafes present in and around the University campus to provide free meals to schools in the neighbourhood and, if possible, the city of Southampton. This will help us in improving the reputation of the University and its graduates in terms of community service. This will also help in developing qualities of a "servant-leader" within the students in the University, thus helping the mankind in the future.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 29th Jan 2021 10:08am


Students' Union replied on

Friday 29th Jan 2021 10:07am

Hi thanks for this suggestion! 

We explored extensively whether we could do this over the Christmas break however the university closure days clashed with the school holiday period.

Thankfully the government also announced that they would provide holiday support which helped this issue.

We're looking further at what community projects like this we can help in; including food banks etc. So please do send any ideas in!




  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 30th Oct 2020 10:42am


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