focus their attention on supporting international students struggling with loneliness this semester

Gia Braccia submitted on

Thursday 24th December 2020


As an international student from Norway who cannot go home for the holidays, I believe that our University and the Student's Union has many tools and support services which can help international students cope with lonelieness. However, I feel like there is a lack of information or posts available on the SUSU Facebook page or on any other of SUSU's social media platforms that talk about tackling lonelieness and posts aimed towards international students in particular, which offer help or support. I believe there is more that the Student's Union can do to support international students during these unprecedented times, and to make international students feel like they are being represented and heard.

I found that the video SUSU posted on Facebook a six months ago about tackling lonelieness during the first lockdown was very helpful, as it was nice to hear international students talk about their experiences, as I could relate to them. During this period, I believe it is important to make international students aware that there are support services that they can reach out to, that there are many students who are in similar situations, and that they are not alone. I believe that similar posts/videos (the Facebook post mentioned) featuring international students would be extremely helpful for other international students who may feel isolated or lonely, and will make them feel heard and supported by the University and the Student's Union.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Monday 24th May 2021 9:12am

We created a video exploring the experiences of International students (inc. loneliness, mental health and more topics). This was received really well. Beyond that, we will continue to work to raise awareness for International students but also continue to disperse various support services available for International students.

Kind regards,


Students' Union replied on

Monday 11th Jan 2021 10:50am

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out with your concerns.

This is something I took to Enabling Services on Friday after receiving this YMC. I will be meeting with Enabling Services and the International Office later this month to discuss the best ways we should be supporting international students, and letting them know of the various services the University has to offer.

If you have any further suggestions, please reach out to me via or It would be great to hear any suggestions you might have.

Kind regards,



  • Forwarded to Vice President Welfare and Community

    Friday 8th Jan 2021 10:07am


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