discuss allowing more flexibility in how library slots are booked

Anonymous submitted on

Thursday 4th February 2021


At the moment slots for areas such as the ATS are only able to be booked in 2 hour incriments e.g. 08:00, 10:00, 12:00 and once those times have passed you may not book into these slots through the booking website. This means that if you miss booking onto a slot by even 5 minutes, you have to wait another 2 hours to be able to access that area of the libary which is very frustrating, or if you are already in the libary and go over your slot by accident you cannot book on until, again, 2 hours meaning there is no record you were in the libary at that time and if you want to leave for a coffee you are not allowed back in by security... If there was a way to book two hour slots but begin at any hour between the libary opening and closing times it would be much appreacited and make life a lot easier for students who need to be able to access the ats suit for learning difficulties.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 12th Feb 2021 4:06pm

Thank you for your submission.

We have raised your concerns with the library and they have provided us with this response:

  1. The two hour booking slot was put in place following feedback from some students that an hour was not enough. If you miss a booking slot please ask a member of the team to help, if a security guard is unable to help they will redirect you to a member of the team. It is possible to stagger the times of the two hour slots but this then halves the number of slots that appear to be available (e.g. rather than 10 slots available at 9am there would only be 5). We do allow the booking of multiple slots to try and avert the issues mentioned in relation to leaving the building.

If you would like to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to reach out to me: vpeddem@susu.org 

Kind Regards,


VP Education and Democracy 


  • Forwarded to Vice President Education and Democracy

    Friday 5th Feb 2021 10:14am


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