ensure that the university includes 'deadnaming' in its regulations

Lottie submitted on

Thursday 18th February 2021


Ensuring an inclusive environment is vital for all students at the university. The SU should ensure that there are ways in which students can set their preferences (name, gender, etc.) to avoid students feeling uncomfortable and make sure that all students feel safe during their time at the university. I have previously set a You Make Change for changing name preferences, but we need to make sure this is a simple process and can be done by the student to avoid any unnecessary worry or discomfort for the student, as well as including the ability to swiftly change student gender. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 30th Jun 2021 5:04pm

The University is aware and working on implementing inclusive practices around changing name preferences as seen with the recent update to Teams. We will continue to work with the Uni to implement this across various systems. 


  • Forwarded to Vice President Welfare and Community

    Friday 19th Feb 2021 10:08am


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