Fight for our Summer 2021 Graduation

Philippa Almond submitted on

Tuesday 2nd March 2021


The covid 19 situation is ever changing and evolving. With this in mind it doesn't seem right for the university to postpone our graduation so early on with an entire disregard to the governments 4 part plan to end covid restrictions by mid June. With other universities continuing as planned with summer 2021 graduation, learning to evolve and adapt to allow their students to still have the graduation they deserve it doesn't seem right that our university isn't even trying. If companies can plan for festivals such as Reading Featival to go ahead this summer then our university can at least consider evolving their graduation plans to include more covid friendly measures or delay graduation until late summer such as September. I know many students feel the same in that the university isn't even trying to adapt the situation to give us a summer graduation and have seen petitions calling for the university to reconsider its choice to postpone our summer graduation. As our student body isn't this something that is within your power to influence or even to try?


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 18th Jun 2021 1:00pm

Unfortunately graduations will not be possible in the summer of 2021. Although the government roadmap current plan for opening up of activity by July there is no certainty this will be possible. The University needs to start preparations for graduation almost a year in advance.

However SUSU are planning to run a series of in person events in line with government guidelines to celebrate with leaving students and the University will be running an online celebration for graduation. The university have committed to running an in person graduation for everyone who has not had the chance, as soon as it is logistically possible and safe to do so. 


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 5th Mar 2021 10:08am


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