support students against policy change on the use of Turnitin

Cezara Burdujanu submitted on

Wednesday 7th April 2021


I have just been informed that my faculty (Business School/ Social Sciences) has changed the policy of the use of Turnitin for UG 1st year and PG students. Now when using Turnitin we are not allowed to check for similarity as it has been disabled and this change was caused by the faculty revising their policy.

What is outrageous about this matter is that students were not informed about this change - I only found out about it after submitting a paper and realising the functionality was changed. When confronted, the lecturer said this change in policy was already done for the group of students mentioned above without us having any communication regarding it.

As a student, I feel betrayed that this decision was made behind our back and that it was not communicated to us at all. Throughout my three years here at the university I found Turnitin a life-saving tool when in doubt and taking it from us without consultation is unfair. Furthermore, one group of students benefits from it and we do not which furthers the unfairness of this whole process.

Therefore, I ask for your help and support to open the discussion with the university about this change as it creates issues for students such as anxiety, and in the whole process of forbidding us access to it, they forgot to mention that they were doing it leaving students with the surprise to find it out when submitting papers.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 12th May 2021 10:41am

Dear Cezara,

Thank you for your submission, apologies for the delayed response we have been investigating this matter.  

I have been working with the Business School President, Jia-Yi, to learn more about these decisions. The School's response to our queries has been:

"[The] Faculty AI Officer who has confirmed that some time ago the FSS Associate Dean (Education) requested that the Faculty Education Committee review the various Turnitin practices within the Schools and agree a common approach.  As a result of the review of Turnitin practices all the Schools within the Faculty have adopted the policy that students can only see a Turnitin similarity report after final submission.

It was confirmed that this policy would start with first year UG students (2020/21) and that for second and third/final years UG students the old policy should continue to apply."

I would like to encourage you to also get in contact with Jia-Yi so that these concerns can be raised at the next SSLC. I will be facilitating any additional support required. You will be able to contact Jia-Yi at:

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you would like to discuss this matter further: 

Kind Regards,


VP Education & Democracy 


  • Forwarded to Vice President Education and Democracy

    Wednesday 14th Apr 2021 4:28pm


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