Provide drinks covers at Stags and Below Deck upon request

Helena Brodie submitted on

Wednesday 20th October 2021


In light of the awful spiking situation at the moment, I have heard other SU's around the UK are providing drinks covers to students upon their request. I was wondering if this was something SUSU could also implement to mitigate spiking incidents and protect students.

I have also heard of other SU's having spiking test kits on hand behind the bar, should the need to use one arise. I do not know if this is already in action but think this would also be beneficial.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 3rd Dec 2021 1:32pm

You Make Change complete

Students' Union replied on

Friday 3rd Dec 2021 1:31pm


I'm pleased to let you know that we now have Stop Top (drink covers) available on request at Stags! These help to protect against drinks being spiked. We also have testing kits available behind reception in Building 42. 

Kind regards,

Savanna- VP Welfare and Community

Students' Union replied on

Monday 15th Nov 2021 4:52pm


We ordered drink covers (and testing kits) a few weeks ago and are currently waiting on the covers to arrive. Once they have, I will update this and they will be available!

Kind regards,


Students' Union replied on

Friday 22nd Oct 2021 9:27am


We are currently in proactive conversations with the University to obtain drink covers and spiking test kits, to provide for free to students. 

I will have an update on this very soon. 

Kind regards,

Savanna- VP Welfare and Community


  • Forwarded to Vice President Welfare and Community

    Friday 22nd Oct 2021 9:17am


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