Provide extra subsidies for students to use unilink bus passes

Anonymous submitted on

Wednesday 20th October 2021


£300+ a year for a student bus pass is simply not affordable for many students. Myself and friends included. It would be great to get some cheaper options (for instance, i'd happily pay £15-20 a month) - yearly ones are not practical either as students may not always be in Southampton - especially due to covid


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 28th Oct 2021 11:56am

Hello - just an update from my conversation with UniLink, who have said this:

"The Unilink services are operated under contract to the University of Southampton and prices are set each year with the agreement of the University. The amounts currently charged are considered to represent good value while also fairly reflecting the cost of provision and helping to ensure an affordable contract price for the University. The £335 annual price for students has risen by considerably less than the rate of inflation over the last several years (in 2014 it was £310 and would be over £360 now if inflation had been followed), so in real terms the price has reduced and become better value over time. We’ll inform the University of the query for our joint future consideration, but there is no immediate likelihood of a price decrease and payment change."

I will continue to raise this with the University to lobby for fee reductions and flexible passes, and hope to update my progress to you and other students via my Facebook (Ben Dolbear SU) and Instagram (union_soton). Speak soon! 

- Ben.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 22nd Oct 2021 3:09pm

Hello - thank you for your great submission! I think this is a reasonable ask, and I would highlight to you that bus passes on the UniLink network are free for all students living in University halls of residence, but I recognise that this does not help other students. You will know of the lower price tariff that exists for students, but I am very happy to reach out to UniLink to arrange a meeting with them to discuss a more generous subsidy. Finally, I would like to mention, for shorter term support, the University has a Student Support Fund, which could provide you with some financial support with your bus pass if you are experiencing low financial flexibility; you can apply here: I'll be in touch soon with updates from UniLink.


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 22nd Oct 2021 9:15am


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