Lobby the university to release more Covid statistics and take a stronger stance on masks

Anonymous submitted on

Friday 22nd October 2021


I understand that there are data protection issues at play, but it would be nice for students to be able to see (at very least) what proportion of their peers are engaging with weekly testing and the positivity rate.

Measures as simple as mask wearing are adhered to poorly by many students at present, I suspect this is largely because covid no longer feels so relevant. Although masks are not legally mandated, I am not aware of any restriction on universities' ability to continually and firmly ask students to wear them, even if they cannot enforce it. It seems to be effective when lecturers remind students that wearing masks improves our chances of continuing to learn on campus through the winter.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 2nd Nov 2021 1:52pm

Hello there. Thanks so much for this great submission. I hope that, thanks to my involvement in decisions taken by the University Executive in terms of face coverings in University (and Students' Union) buildings, you are now satisfied with the masks situation. I think your opinion on this matter was shared with a large number of students, and drove the shift in University policy towards a requirement to cover your nose and mouth with a mask when moving around indoors. I meet on a regular basis with the University's new Vice President Operations, Wendy Appleby, who is committed to further transparency when reporting Covid figures on campus and participation rates in the saliva testing programme; I'm more than happy to raise this submission with her when I next see her. I will say, however, that participation has fallen since last year, and we are encouraging all students to take part in this simple and easy scheme that will protect the safety of your colleagues. 

- Ben. 


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 29th Oct 2021 9:21am


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