make it easier for students to opt-out of society mailing lists and remove themselves from societies on the website

Anonymous submitted on

Wednesday 27th October 2021


Sometimes we change our minds and no longer want to receive emails or have ourselves as part of a society. There is no way of removing ourselves on the site or from mailing lists so this should be a thing to make us more in control of our student life.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 16th Feb 2022 4:13pm

Many thanks for your You Make Change submission.

After months of inquiring this I have unfortunately gotten no where with any progress. However, this will be looked at and not forgotten in a larger project to review the website. As a result, I will close this application or it will be left simmering in the background for months/ years depending on the project's progress.

In the meantime, to be removed from the mailing list the only solution so far is to email the Club or Society and ask to be removed from it.

Many apologies for the lack of progress on this.

If encourage you to follow up on this if you wish to and/or restart the You Make Change submission, but for now I have done all that I can do on the matter. 



Ella Foxhall, VP Activities.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 2nd Dec 2021 4:13pm

Dear concerned student, 

Many thanks for your You Make Change submission, we are currently looking into this matter and will have a solution hopefully in the near future.

Best wishes,

Ella Foxhall, VP Activities 



  • Forwarded to Vice President Activities

    Friday 29th Oct 2021 9:10am


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