Get cats

Amy Jackson submitted on

Monday 1st November 2021



I spend lots of time at SUSU and I think there is just one thing missing - cats. I strongly believe in the benefit of animals to mental and physical wellbeing, so not only would this be enjoyable for those spending time with them, it would also boost mental health, productivity, and engagement with SUSU.

Thanks for your time,

Hope to hear from you soon,



Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 9th Nov 2021 11:08am

Hi again, Amy. I wanted to provide you with a final update. We always try to offer animals of some kind as part of our You Are More Than programme of events, although each year it does get harder as the prices have massively increased. Planning starts in the next few weeks for YAMT, so we will see what we can get sorted for the January exam period. I will make sure you champion cats during this meeting! 

- Ben.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 5th Nov 2021 4:02pm

Final update from me, via our Head of Activities:

"So we have run these events frequently at SUSU in the past with dogs and reptiles (cats are harder so sort). [...]. Do know recent problem has been Guide Dogs/Hearings Dogs we use for dog events put their fundraising requirement up massively, and likewise reptiles, the price is now quite high. I would note I heard SUSU the cat was very scared during events we had and they may not love the crowds- from animal welfare perspective dogs easier and more on board".

I hope this helps! 

- Ben. 

Students' Union replied on

Friday 5th Nov 2021 2:09pm

Hello Amy! I love your submission, and I'm sure you will know that here at SUSU we love cats, and even used to have a cat as honorary president. I would let you know that you can join the unofficial Floof Society! As you know, we bring in therapy dogs during our 'You Are More Than' events, and I'll ask the team if we can add cats. Thanks for the great idea! - Ben.


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 5th Nov 2021 9:13am


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