Get Stags to serve a limited menu during Quiz and Curry instead of just curry

Anonymous submitted on

Thursday 11th November 2021


The menu at Stag's is great but it's really frustrating to just have curry available on a Sunday evening and shutting the kitchen so early (pre-7pm) when there are actually a lot of people in Stags at that time, especially for the Stags Quiz. Many people that I know who come regularly on a Sunday night do not like curry and would prefer to have different foods available as well as the curry as due to the timing of the quiz it's quite hard to eat beforehand and if you don't eat curry you end up starving by the end of the quiz. These could be very simple ones that the bar staff could do to save on kitchen staff but even so with the demand for curry, I'm sure there's capacity to do some small sides as well, such as the nachos for example, garlic bread or chips.

Please help!

Sincerely, a hungry quiz goer


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 18th Nov 2021 2:51pm

Hello - thanks very much for your excellent submission. I have shared this suggestion with our Head of Food & Beverage, who absolutely takes your feedback into account. At present, as I'm sure you are aware, our full 'business as usual' food menu in Stag's is avaiable on a Sunday up until 6pm, when, due to physical space and staffing constraints, we have to limit the food offer to in homemade curries. We are, however, currently recruiting for a Catering Supervisor, who will oversee Quiz & Curry, which will enable the comprehensive menu to be available until later in the evening. I hope this helps, and please do drop me an email if you have any further comments or suggestions.

- Ben.


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 12th Nov 2021 9:08am


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