Fix the sound system in the MPS!

Martha Luke submitted on

Wednesday 17th November 2021


The MPS is used for at least 3 hours everyday (some days up to 5) and 8hours a day on the weekends. There are 6 mounted speakers but only 2 on the far side of the room work. This makes it hard for dancers to hear the music (especially in busy classes). The speakers in the activity room upstairs seem to work fine... we can always hear them in our classes. 

Our competition squads also rehearse in this space and it is important for them to be supported so they can go on and do us proud at comps! It seems like such a small thing but would make a massive difference. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 3rd Dec 2021 1:11pm

Dear Martha, 

We have looked into this matter and can confirm that this issue has been solved, please let me know if there's anything else I can do.

Best wishes,

Ella Foxhall, VP Activities 


Students' Union replied on

Monday 22nd Nov 2021 3:01pm

Dear Martha, 

We are looking into this for you, and will update you when facilities have had a chance to investigate the MPS.

Many thanks,

Ella Foxhall, VP Activities


  • Forwarded to Vice President Activities

    Friday 19th Nov 2021 9:14am


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