Give the Plant Pot the means to heat up food

Curtis Parfitt-Ford submitted on

Thursday 18th November 2021


Having a toasted version of the flatbread, or a hot version of the rice and noodles bases, would be a particularly good addition to the options.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 18th Nov 2021 2:55pm

Hello Curtis - thank you so much for your fantastic submission, which I fully agree with! I've just met with Gordon, our Head of Food & Beverage, who has informed me that we are looking at a broader expansion of our Plant Pot offer, which may include different pasta and bread bases, hot, Subway-style baguettes, and meal deals. I will keep you posted, but, I hope that in the meantime, this helps you out! Thanks again, and speak soon! 

- Ben.



  • Forwarded to Union President

    Thursday 18th Nov 2021 2:54pm


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