Why is the Bridge always out of Gluten free bread?

Anonymous submitted on

Saturday 27th November 2021


There are already limited gluten-free lunch options across campus, with no options in the shop and unconvincing options at Stags (I have been inside the kitchen at and I doubt many people who work there are worried about cross-contamination). The toasties and paninis available in the Bridge have a really good reputation but I haven't been able to get one since the start of term because they are always 'just out of Gluten-free bread' regardless of the time of day. Considering the lack of gluten-free options otherwise available on campus are we meant to believe they are really 'just out' or that gluten-free options are currently not considered a priority?


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 17th Dec 2021 9:07am

Please feel free to reach out if you would like to share your concerns.


Students' Union replied on

Friday 3rd Dec 2021 1:19pm

Dear concerned student, 

Many thanks for your You Make Change submission. Since the start of term, I have been working hard to provide options for people with gluten intolerances and coeliac disease, as I have it myself, and can confirm that we now have regular gluten free sandwich options in the Shop. I have also been informed that there should be consistent gluten free bread in the Bridge. Would you like to have an in person meeting with me to raise your concerns?

Many thanks in advance, 

Ella Foxhall, VP Activities 


  • Forwarded to Vice President Activities

    Friday 3rd Dec 2021 9:06am


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