Bring back the old University logo or create a competition for students to design one.

Anonymous submitted on

Saturday 22nd January 2022


I was stunned when I saw the new University logo and the first thing that came to my mind was the Glenfiddich Whisky. I don't understand the decision behind changing the logo and I think that the knew one is not well-designed (poor stag has no place for antlers). I'm aware that personal taste is personal but I suspect many students may agree with me. I wish in the future we can all have a chance to decide on a university logo as it is something we use and see every day.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 3rd Feb 2022 11:03am

Hi - thanks so much for your submission. I think this is a really important matter of student voice, and so after accepting your submission, I immediately raised this with the University Executive, and spoke directly with the University's Communications directorate. As you may have seen from my latest 'Weekly Highlights' post on Facebook, I received a positive response to this suggestion, and it was agreed in principle that in any future refresh of the University logo, co-creation initiatives involving student voice could be really beneficial, particularly given the design skills of our WSA students. I appreciate this doesn't impact on the current logo and doesn't mitigate against your dissatisfaction, but I hope it goes some way in reassuring you that the University have been made aware of student feeling, and will consider it seriously in future.

- Ben. 


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Monday 24th Jan 2022 9:07am


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