where the office is for the sabb officers

Anonymous submitted on

Tuesday 1st February 2022


I can never find them when I need them and I have asked at reception and the advice centre and both didn't know.


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Benjamin Dolbear submitted on

Thursday 3rd February 2022


Hello - I'm so sorry that you weren't able to find us. Due to the pandemic and fluctuating government guidance, the sabbatical officers have largely been based at home over the past few years. This means that the primary point of contact for students is via email; all of our email addresses can be found on the SUSU website at susu.org. However, we are slowly beginning a shift back to campus, and when we are in, myself, VP Activities, VP Sports, and VP Welfare & Community are based in the Activities Officer on Level 2 of Building 42. Lottie, our VP Education & Democracy, is based in the Representation Office, upstairs in Building 40 (above the Stag's). I absolutely take your point about not being able to find us, and I'm going to open a conversation with colleagues regarding signage and transparency for when we are in the office, to make sure that you are able to find us. Let me reach out and get back to you in due course. I hope this helps for now! 

- Ben.