put deals on the tv screens behind the bar in stags

Anonymous submitted on

Wednesday 2nd February 2022


Now that the Stags has so many screens why arent the menus on them. especially during karaoke, I find it hard to see what drinks deals are on and it would make sense for them to display on the screens behind the bar 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 9th Feb 2022 3:42pm


Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 9th Feb 2022 3:41pm

Dear concerned student, 

I have been informed, and seen myself, that there are now drinks deals showing screens behind the bar. I am also working on getting a drinks menu avaliable. 

If you find this incorrect, please email me at vpactivities@susu.org and I will look into the matter further.

Many thanks,

Ella, VP Activities 



  • Forwarded to Vice President Activities

    Thursday 3rd Feb 2022 9:23am


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