Lobby to ensure archiving equipment that is used for recording lectures to be improved.

Alp Ortakci submitted on

Saturday 19th February 2022


The last two years especially was immensely dense with online education, while streaming quality of the lecturers' personal setups can be excused the lecture theaters equipment cannot. Panapto software is usable with web cameras which would ensure much better resolution and sharpness for the lecture recordings and the university hosts the recordings outbound. Current recording equipment looks one step above the open CCTV cameras that are used for monitoring which are low quality to ensure ongoing functionality of them. University is definitely able to enact material change in campus quite rapidly as evident from the newly erected study areas due to covid measures. I myself can't see why the university won't improve lecture recording quality when it is as simple as getting 1280x720 web cameras 20 pounds apiece (retail price for bulk purchase more likely even cheaper.) . This cumulatively affects the revision and catch-up work students put in for their modules.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 1st Apr 2022 2:31pm

Hello! While I am struggling to get a formal statement from the university, please be reassured that this is on my list of priorities and will continue to be prioritised when Emily takes over. I will be closing this submission as it is something I am working on with the Head of Educational Services, Dave Key, and the VP of Education at the University, Alex Neill, and Deborah Gill when she takes over the role. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any further concerns: vpeducation@susu.org. 

Students' Union replied on

Friday 25th Mar 2022 5:16am

Hello, I am chasing Dave again today as there's been no response (though things have been very busy in the team). Apologies for the delay but there are lots to go through with submissions like this - it turns out that not all the equipment is owned/updated centrally by the university and some are faculty-owned so it might be a process, rather than a tickbox to get through it. 

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 1st Mar 2022 5:36pm

Hello. I met with Dave today and he is looking into it. I have asked him for a statement I can share and I'll be back with it as soon as he sends it over. 

Students' Union replied on

Friday 25th Feb 2022 10:01am

Hi! Thank you for your submission. I reached out to Alex Neill, VP of Education, who redirected me to Dave Key, Head of Educational Services in iSolutions, and I am waiting on his response to the matter.


  • Forwarded to Vice President Education and Democracy

    Friday 25th Feb 2022 9:05am


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